A charming main street downtown with shopping, dining, and other services conveniently located in the center of Fanwood. All easily accessible with the FREE PARKING available for visitors!

Downtown Fanwood is the host to several beloved events every year, including Fannywood Day, Small Business Saturday, the holiday tree lighting and more. This central location is easily accessible via train, bus or car and serves as the perfect place to spend time with family and friends while enjoying the personal touches of a small, but historical town in Union County.


Discover the community



Fanwood was founded in 1895 around the Central Railroad of New Jersey, which passed through during the 1800s.  The old Fanwood train station, built in 1874, stands as the oldest original train station in Union County and remains the center of many community activities. It houses the Fanwood Museum and is a meeting place for various groups.


Fanwood has a downtown district that includes many thriving businesses.  Over the last five years, our downtown has enjoyed a rebirth made possible by new construction of several multi-use buildings including commercial and residential occupants. Another project is about to get underway to build new apartments and parking.




Recreation is responsible for overseeing Fanwood’s parks and recreational facilities; providing after-school and summer camp programming for children; providing recreational programs for our senior community; and hosting town-wide events such as the Summer Free Movie Series, Halloween Parade & Costume Contest and the Holiday Celebration. Recreation also manages the reservation and rental of facilities that include buildings and athletic fields.